Interview Classes

Candidates who are selected for the personality test are usually 2.2 times, the candidates who appeared for the main exam. This depends on the vacancy, notified in the UPSC’s advertisement every year. The maximum marks for interview are 275. A score over 200 is considered a high score.

              UPSC Interview Classes

Interview Classes

  • Candidates who are selected for the personality test are usually 2.2 times, the candidates who appeared for the main exam. This depends on the vacancy, notified in the UPSC’s advertisement every year. The maximum marks for interview are 275. A score over 200 is considered a high score.

  • Interview according to UPSC is described to be a test of candidate’s overall personality which includes analytical ability, lateral thinking, logical decision making etc. The objective of the interview is to assess the personal suitability of the candidate for a career in public service by a Board of competent and unbiased observers. The test is intended to judge the mental caliber of a candidate. In broad terms, this is really an assessment of not only his/her intellectual qualities but also social traits and his/her interest in current affairs. Some of the qualities to be judged are mental alertness, critical powers of assimilation, clear and logical Exposition, balance of judgment, variety and depth of interest, ability for social cohesion and leadership, intellectual and moral integrity.

  • Interview is not that of a strict cross-examination but of a natural, though directed and purposive conversation, which is intended to reveal the mental qualities of the candidate.

  • The board tests a candidate on integrity, the depth in understanding, awareness about issues happening around and how well a candidate is able to analyze and apply these issues in his/her answer.

  • The interview is a two months long process that usually begins 2 weeks after the declaration of the main exam results. It is usually in the period between January to March. It is conducted at the UPSC located at Shahjahan Road, New Delhi. The schedule usually consists of two slots per day. The Forenoon slot begins by 9AM while the afternoon slot begins by 2 PM .

  • The board usually consists of 5 people. The chairperson sits in the center while the other members are seated two on either side of the chairperson. The chairperson begins with the questions and will guide the other members to continue the interview.

  • The duration of the interview is typically 30 minutes +/- 5 minutes. The range of questions will include questions on hobby and their practical application, why he/she wishes to join the civil services, candidate’s opinion on current/historic issues, knowledge about candidate’s education, optional subject, issues of the state candidate belongs to, international relations, current affairs etc. They may also provide situation based question and seek the candidates’ opinion/response on the same.

  • Mains conducts an interview guidance lecture on “How to prepare for the interview” in the first week of November every year for the students who have written the Main exam in September.

  • The main interview programmes begin a week after the Main exam results are announced. The programme consists of 4 classes, 2 Mock interviews and a personal sitting session.

  • A candidate can opt to join the entire interview programme or opt for any one depending on his interview date scheduled by the UPSC.

Madurai IAS Academy Mock Interview Highlights

  • The Madurai IAS Interview Panel consists of Senior IAS & IPS Officers; University Professors; and Experts in various fields of General Studies.

  • Before the mock interview, we hold a personalized one-to-one DAF (Detailed Application Form) discussion to clear any doubt regarding the information mentioned in the candidate’s DAF.

  • After the mock interview, a detailed evaluation & feedback is provided to the candidate by the Interview Panel.

  • We also provide a high-quality video of the interview session to the candidate so that s/he can watch and learn from it before appearing for the actual UPSC Personality Test.

  • Useful resources like study materials, special classes for interviews and video lectures are also provided to our mock interview candidates.

Pillar 1: DAF Analysis Session

The session discusses the ways to answer questions on DAF related areas such as hobbies and interests, extra-curricular activities, educational achievements, home-state etc. It includes One-to-One sessions for guiding candidates to generate questions based on the Detailed Application Form which will be analyzed further to ensure that no area is left out.

The session also gives general insights about the techniques while facing interview with certain Do’s and Don’ts along with acquainting the candidates with board composition and brief profile of UPSCmembers.

Pillar 2: Sessions on Current Issues

These sessions will discuss the major current issues of National and International importance along with the strategy to answer opinion based questions on these issues. These sessions cover the latest developments related to science and technology, environment and climate change, social issues, administrative policies and other miscellaneous topics with special emphasis on 1-2 sessions on Budget and Economic Survey.

Pillar 3: Mock Interview Session

There will be 2-3 mock interview sessions of each candidate by different boards panel consisting of 5 – 6 expert members that comprises of senior academicians, retired bureaucrats and former UPSC/PSC Board members. The candidates would be judged based on the performance of over 40 parameters. Each interview is video-recorded which will be provided to the candidates so that they can view their own interview and improve their performance.

Special Sessions

During this Mock Interview Program number of Special sessions are organized for the benefit of aspirants called for interview by the UPSC. Among them a few are:

States: Candidates called for interview are from different states. Candidates registered with Madurai IAS Academy for interview guidance are practically coming from all the states. As such number of sessions are organized state-wise to give them enough exposure on the topography, culture, heritage, tourism potentiality, culture, economy and other factors which are directly and essentially related to the common people of the states.

Subjects: Candidates coming for interview have a optional subject for their mains examination. Therefore, during interview they are asked many a questions related to the chosen optional subject by the candidate. To brush up the information and knowledge of the relevant two subjects Madurai IAS Academy conducts special lecture Program on few optional subjects. Eminent teaching faculties take such special classes.

Session on hobbies: In the application aspirants mention about their hobbies. Many questions are asked by Board Members on these particular issues Madurai IAS Academy organized hobby sessions are conducted by expert faculty who discusses with the aspirants on the hobbies they have mentioned in their application forms from different angles so that the aspirants are equipped to face any question and give convincing reply on this aspect.

Educational Background: Civil Services aspirants come from various educational background. And the aspirants take up one optional subject based on their educational background as a specialized subject or take up any convenient subject as per their interest in case the subject in which he or she graduated is not available as optional in UPSC CSE. Educational background and optional subject is an essential and indispensable part of the interview. Candidates need to be clear and prepare well to face any kind of queries about their educational background. All possible questions and ways to prepare for it is briefed in this session.

National Issues: Contemporary issues related to Social, Economic & Environmental Matters are discussed in a lecture & question answer session

International Issues: Events happening in International arena which directly or indirectly influence us or the living being at large are also taken up in lecture programs by experts. Aspirants are given to ask questions & clarification on the related topics.

Current Affairs: Since Current Affairs are an important matter for the interview, to sharpen the information and knowledge among the aspirants, Madurai IAS Academy during the interview guidance Program organizes seminar/lecture Programs on Current Affairs. Eminent persons/social activists in their lectures on Current Affairs topics analyses the issues objectively and also keep the aspirants informed being discussed from different angles.


On the basis of our 15 years of experience with UPSC examination, We have understood that UPSC looks for a particular type of personality. The following list contains some these traits. We are sure that most of the aspirants have these qualities, the only thing that is required is to refine these traits and present yourself in a polished manner in front of the Interview board.

Focused approach

Aware of ambitions and goals of life


A confident and determined approach



Eagerness to Learn

Initiative/enterprising nature

Sense of judgment

A methodical and systematic approach

High Ethical-moral values

Ability to handle the pressure

No Persecution complex

Optimistic nature

Planning ability

Practical approach

Promptness to make decisions

Realistic Nature


Sense of service and commitment

Clear aims and objectives

Depth of knowledge

Logical approach

Convincing ability

High Level of Determination

Drive/Level of energy

Hardworking nature

Honesty and Integrity

Lively nature

Ability to mobilize and utilize resources

High motivation level

No Jealousness

No unreasonable fear


Power of command

Practical knowledge

Rational outlook


Willingness to take calculated risks