How To Prepare TNPSC Group-I Services Mains Paper-3 (GS-3)

 TNPSC GS-Paper3 Preparation Strategy


Answering the best method to prepare for TNPSC  Civil Services Examinations (Mains, Paper-3) in Tamilnadu.

TNPSC GS-Paper 3 Preparation Strategy


GS paper 3 preparation strategy and exam pattern 

GS paper 3 preparation strategy starts with an understanding of the important topics

UNIT-I             :  Geography of India with special reference to Tamil Nadu

UNIT-II          :  Environment, Bio Diversity and Disaster Management

UNIT-III         :  INDIAN Economy –Current Economic trends and Impact of global economy on India

General Studies Paper III


Section A

150 Words

Each question carries 10 Marks

Section B

200 Words

Each question carries 15 Marks

Total Marks

1. Geography of India with special reference to Tamil Nadu

Answer any three questions out of four questions 3  10 = 30

Answer any three  questions out of four  questions 3  15 = 45


75 Marks

2. Environment, Bio Diversity and Disaster Management


Answer any three questions out of four questions 3  10 = 30

Answer any three questions out of four questions 4  15 = 45




3. Indian Economy –Current Economic trends and Impact of global economy on India

Answer any four questions out of five questions 4  10 = 40

Answer any four questions out of five questions 4  15 = 60



100 Marks

250 Marks


UNIT-I:  Geography of India with special reference to Tamil Nadu

Topic 1

Moreover, an important aspect of the GS paper 1 preparation strategy is the features of physical geography. 

  • Location- Physical features
  • Major Rivers- Weather & Climate – Monsoon, Rainfall
  • Natural resources :- Soil, Water, Forest, Minerals and wild life
  • Agricultural pattern –Livestock –Fisheries
  • Industries ; Major industries –Growth and Development

Recommended books

  • Certificate Physical and human geography. (First edition)
  • SCERT textbook –Class X, XI, XII  textbook

Question :

  1. Great plains are economically significant land forms in India – Justify (2019)
  2. Explain the characteristics and distribution of soil types in India and list out the causes of infertility of

     soils. (2019)

Topic 2

  • Social – Cultural geography – Population : Growth, Density and Distribution –Racial, linguistic and major tribes.

Recommended Books :

·         Geography 11th Book

Top recommended books – 

  • NCERT textbook for class XII – Human geography
  • NCERT textbook for class XII – India – People and economy

Question :

  1. Describe in detail about the major tribal groups in Tamil Nadu. (2019)
  2. Explain the factors which influence the distribution and density of population in India. (2019)


Topic 3

Moreover, an important aspect of the GS paper 1 preparation strategy is the following points 

  • Oceanography –Bottom relief features of Indian Ocean, Arabian sea and Bay of Bengal.
  • Basics of Geospatial Technology: Geographical Information System (GIS) and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS).

Recommended books

  • Geography of India – 4th edition
  • Geography 11th 12th Book

Question :

  1. Explain the factors which affect the salinity of Ocean water. (2019)
  2. Give a detailed account on various satellites launched by ISRO. (2019)


Topic 4

Aspects like the following are important for the Group I examination

  • Tsunami
  • Volcanic activities
  • Cyclones
  • Changes in water bodies and ice-caps
  • Changes in Flora and fauna
  • Impact of the above changes
  • Geographic features

Recommended books – Top recommended books

Physical geography. Book by – Goh Cheng Leong

The major topics to address in the book are – 

  • Climate change
  • Depletion of resources
  • Waste management and dumping
  • Rainforests
  • Ice caps
  • Corals and rivers
  • Cyclones
  • Impact of climate change
  • Changes in monsoon
  • Biodiversity
  • Pollution of water bodies
  • Desertification
  • Reducing forest cover

Important aspects to focus on  

The focus should be on factors like the following – 

  • Impact of monsoon and global climate change
  • How cyclone affects global warming?
  • Long term impact of pollution
  • What is the effect of melting ice-caps on biodiversity? 


UNIT-II:  Environment, Bio Diversity and Disaster Management

Topic – 1

In this topic for GS paper 3 preparation strategy, learn the following points –

  • Ecology: Structure and function of Ecosystem
  • Biodiversity Conservation : Types- Biodiversity Hot Spots in India
  • Roles of Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora(CITES)
  • International Union for Conservation of Nature(IUCN) & Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)

Recommended Books

  • School Books 11th 12th Biology

Question :
1. Discuss the possible impacts of various project activities on the components of Eco system. (2019)


Topic 2 :

  • Environmental Pollution and Management:
    • Air, Water, Soil, Thermal and Noise pollution and control strategies
    • Solid and Hazardous waste management
    • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA): Steps in EIA Process
  • Climate Change: Global Environmental Issues and Management
    • Changes in Monsoon Pattern in Tamil Nadu and India
    • Environmental consequences of climate change and mitigation measures
    • Environmental Sustainability.

Question :

  1. What is water pollution? How can we control through Indian Environmental laws? (2019)
  2. If urgent steps are not taken, climate change will reverse decades of growth in the developing

    countries. How? Explain. (2019)

  1. Explain how ‘process changes’ can be adopted in Thermal power plants to reduce the problem of air

      pollution. (2019)


Recommended books and online resources – 

Focus on issues from both India and the World

  • The Hindu newspaper
  • Environmental survey (current issue)
  • Sources like the Ministry of environment
  • Annual report of the environment ministry for the present year. 
  • Issues of conservation
  • Environment impact and its assessment
  • Issues of EIA as given in The leading newspapers




Topic –3

In this topic for GS paper 3 preparation strategy, learn the following points –

  • Environmental laws, Policies & Treaties in India and Global Scenario – Natural calamities and Disaster Management –Environmental Health and Sanitation.

Recommended books and online resources – 

Focus on issues from both India and the World

  • Yojana Magazine’s special edition on Disaster Management

A report on Disaster Management. Read this one selectively to get a brief understanding of the issues

Question :

  1. Describe the salient features of the National Forest policy of 1988. (2019)
  2. What are the environmental consequences of EL Nino impact in India? Discuss the salient features of

      the recent initiatives to accomplish India’s INDC in COP 21 to combat Climate change. (2019)


UNIT-III:  INDIAN Economy –Current Economic trends and Impact of global economy on India

Topic 1

Start your GS paper 3 preparation strategy by the critical reading of – 

  • Features of Indian Economy
  • Demographical profile of India
  • National Income- Capital formation
  • NEP (New Economic Policy)
  • National Development Council.

This includes both broad and minute details. Before opting for top names, buy and read SCERT textbooks. These are available in PDF format as well

List of important SCERT textbooks –

  • SCERT textbook for class X
  • SCERT textbook for class XI
  • SCERT textbook for class XII

It is important to get familiar with the basics of Indian Economic Development. Likewise, a sound understanding of Economics brings the best outcomes. 

Since the examination focuses largely on the Indian Economy, a good understanding of the same is crucial. You need to be ready for the questions that are common in TNPSC Group I past examinations. 

Often students complain that the books of the Indian Economy are very heavy. Yet we recommend you stick to the standard books for the best results. 


Recommended books and online resources – 

  • TMH book on Indian Economy for prelims and mains examination. Author – Ramesh Singh
  • Indian Economy for TNPSC Services Examinations. Author – Ramesh Singh (older versions)

Other authors to read  

  • Uma Kapila
  • Mishra and Puri
  • Dutt and Sundaram

However, all these are extremely detailed. Refer to these only if you have sufficient time for preparation. 

Question :

  1. In India how does the National Development Council (NDC) function inorder to achieve its

      objectives? (2019)

  1. Explain inflationary gap and also explain how can the inflationary gap be wiped out. (2019)

Topic 2 

Secondly, your GS paper 3 preparation strategy should cover a critical reading of – 

  • Agriculture – Role of Agriculture
  • Land reforms
  • New Agricultural Strategy- Green Revolution
  • Price Policy, Public Distribution System (PDS), Subsidy
  • WTO & Agriculture.

You need to have conceptual clarity on the above subject. Similarly, you can easily read the articles from the below documents – 

  • Conceptualizing Green Revolution
  • WTO & Agriculture – Past Performance and Future Prospects

Question :

  1. Explain the factors which influence the agricultural pricing policy in India. Also explain the

       functioning and implementation of this policy.  (2019)


Topic – 3

  • Industry- Growth- Policy
  • Role of public sector and disinvestment- Privatisation and Liberalization-Public Private Partnership (PPP)
  • –MSMEs. – Make in India.

This is a crucial topic for the GS paper 3 preparation strategy. You can easily get numerous reading materials on the issue. However, sticking to one source is vital to the final success in the Group I examination. 

Recommended books and online resources – 

  • School Books 11th 12th Economy
  • Infrastructure investment – report by Planning Commission
  • Public-Private Partnership in Indian infrastructure development – Issues and Options. Publication by RBI 

Question :

  1. Critically analyse the Special Economic Zones (SEZs). (2019)

Recommended books and online resources – 

  • Refer to the book on the topic by Ramesh Singh – Indian Economy for civil services examinations (Chapters 6- 10th) 

Topic – 4

In this topic for GS paper 3 preparation strategy, learn the following points – 

  • Infrastructure – Energy
  • Ports
  • Airports
  • Roads
  • Railways

Recommended books and online resources – 

  • India  Year Book
  • Economic Survey of India
  • Latest energy status – the best literature on the topic

Question :

  1. Analyse the weaknesses of Science and Technology Infrastructure in India. (2019)

Topic 5

Likewise, your GS paper 3 preparation strategy should cover – 

  • Banking & Finance
    • Banking, Money & Finance
    • Central Bank – Commercial Bank –NBFIs.
    • Stock Market –Financial Reforms- Financial Stability- Monetary Policy – RBI & Autonomy.




Recommended books and online resources – 

School books  11th, 12th

Question :

 What are the objectives of Monetary Policy? Explain the functions of the Reserve Bank of India.



Topic 6

Likewise, your GS paper 3 preparation strategy should cover – 

  • Public Finance
  • Sourcess of Revenue –Tax & Non –Tax Revenue – Canons of Taxation
  • GST- Public expenditure
  • Public dept- Finance Commission- Fiscal Policy.

Recommended books and online resources – 

INDIAN ECONOMY-   Shankar ganesh

  • book on Indian Economy for prelims and mains examination. Author – Ramesh Singh


Question :

 Explain the role of fiscal policy in reducing “Inequality of Income” in Underdeveloped



Topic 7

Likewise, your GS paper 3 preparation strategy should cover – 

  • Issues in Indian Economy
  • Poverty & Inequality – Poverty alleviation programmes
  • MGNREGA – New welfare programmes for rural poverty
  • Unemployment
  • Inflation – Inflation targeting – Sustainable economic growth –Gender issues.

Recommended books and online resources – 

INDIAN ECONOMY-   Shankar ganesh


Question :

 Explain inflationary gap and also explain how can the inflationary gap be wiped out. (2019)


Topic 8

Likewise, your GS paper 3 preparation strategy should cover – 

  • India’s Foreign Trade
    • BOP, EX-IM Policy
    • FOREX Market, FDI ; Globalization & its impact
    • Global Economic Crisis & Impact on Indian economy.

Recommended books and online resources – 

  • INDIAN ECONOMY- Shankar ganesh

Question :

            Give an account on Covid – 19 Crisis and its Impact?

Topic 9

Likewise, your GS paper 3 preparation strategy should cover – 

  • International Agencies
  • IMF (International Monetary Fund) World Bank

Recommended books and online resources – 

ECONOMY school books

Question :

  1. “The South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC) was established with certain

      objectives”. Discuss how it functioned in accordance with the objectives and elaborate its

      achievements? (2019)


Topic 10

  • Tamil Nadu Economy & Issues
  • Trends in State’s economic growth
  • Demographic profile of Tamil Nadu- Agriculture – Industry & entrepreneurship development in Tamil Nadu
  • Social Infrastructure – SHGs. & Rural Women empowerment –
  • Environmental issues–Recent government welfare programmes

Recommended Books

  • Tamilnadu School Book 11th Economy