TNUSRB (Tamil Nadu Uniformed Services Recruitment Board) conducts the exams for various posts in Tamil Nadu State. The examination to fill up the police posts for sub-inspector (Taluk, Armed Reserved and Tamil Nadu Special Police) is also conducted by the same board. The applications from both, fresh candidates and departmental candidates are invited by TNUSRB every year.
TNPSC Courses
The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, also known as TNPSC is responsible for conducting the State Civil Services Examinations for services are including Group-1 , Group-2/2A , Group 4/VAO and other departmental examinations. The TNPSC is a state agency for Tamil Nadu that not only conducts civil services exams but also advises on the framing of recruitment rules at the state level.
Banking, SSC and Other Competitive Exams
Staff Selection Commission – Combined Graduate Level Examination, often referred to as SSC CGL is an examination conducted to recruit staff to various posts in ministries, departments and organizations of the Government of India.