tnpsc group 1 mains answer writing tips

TNPSC group 1 mains answer writing tips
General awareness of the Group I examination
The TNPSC Services examination is highly focused on developing the best qualities in the managers. Thus, preparation for the mains examination must start even before attempting the Group I Prelims examination.
Coaching for Group I or not? Answering the most sought after question –
Important note – The strategies are given in the above article are designed for the use of candidates who are preparing for the examination full time. Hence, candidates without the same may need to design their unique strategy for the best results. A piece of important advice for such candidates is to get professional coaching from an expert.
A large number of students qualifying for the examination undergo professional coaching and help. Although, other students also exist who do not have any professional help and coaching.
Ultimately, the coaching is not the absolute answer to the problem. Instead, the dedication of the candidate is an important aspect of the same.
On the other side of the picture, having professional coaching is helpful as it helps you to understand the basics of the Group I examination.
Bringing Best Results Through Right Guidance
Being serious about the examination comes at a huge overhead. One needs to have a steady focus on the matter.