How To Prepare TNPSC Group-I Services Mains Paper-II (GS-2)

  TNPSC GS-Paper2 Preparation Strategy


Answering the best method to prepare for TNPSC  Civil Services Examinations (Mains, Paper-2) in Tamilnadu.

TNPSC GS-Paper 2 Preparation Strategy


Two fundamental aspects of GS paper 2 preparation strategy

There are two major aspects of the GS paper 2 preparation strategy

  • Understanding of the topics and writing them
  •  Keep a copy of the syllabus near you. 

This is important to get a deeper understanding of the problem. Also, keeping the syllabus handy will bring good results for you in the long run. 

Ideal GS Paper 2 Preparation Strategy

If you are already familiar with the syllabus for General Studies examination then you need to focus on the GS paper 2 preparation strategy. For this, you need to focus on the important aspects of the examination – 

Broad syllabus of Group – I GS paper 2

The broader syllabus of GS paper 2 is as follows – 

UNIT-I             : Indian Polity and emerging political trends across the World affecting India

UNIT-II          : Role and Impact of Science and Technology in the Development of India

UNIT-III         : Tamil Society-Its Culture and Heritage





General Studies Paper II


Section A

150 Words

Each question carries 10 Marks

Section B

200 Words

Each question carries 15 Marks

Total Marks

1. Indian Polity and emerging political trends across the World affecting India


Answer any four questions out of five questions 4  10 = 40

Answer any four questions out of five questions 4  15 = 60



100 Marks

2. Role and Impact of Science and Technology in the Development of India

Answer any three questions out of four questions 3 10 = 30

Answer any three questions out of four questions 4 15 = 45



3. Tamil Society-Its Culture and Heritage


Answer any three questions out of four questions 3 10 = 30

Answer any three questions out of four questions 3 15 = 45


75 Marks




250 Marks


Before you start GS paper 2 preparation strategy, you need to firstly focus on following subject books for the best results –

  • SCERT textbook for class – X
  • SCERT textbook for class – XI
  • SCERT textbook for class –  XII

The preparation for these may take around 2-3 days. 

UNIT-I: Indian Polity and emerging political trends across the World affecting India

Topic 1

Indian Constitution – Read the following aspects – 

  • Constitution of India: Historical background
  • Making of the Indian Constitution
  • Preamble
  • Salient features of the Indian Constitution
  • Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Duties- Directive Principles of State Policy- Schedules to the Indian Constitution


The topic is highly important for both GROUP I preliminary and Mains examination. 

Recommended books and reading material – 

  • Introduction to Constitution of India – Book by D. D. Basu (Focus on the first five chapters) 

Question :

  1. Describe the Dhar commission report regarding linguistic province formation at the time of

     Independence.  (2019)

  1. The Constitution of India is remarkable for many outstanding features which distinguishes it from

       other Constitutions. Discuss with suitable examples. (2019)


Topic 2

Functions, responsibilities, and role of the Union of India.Also, the states and their responsibility. 

Further, you need to address the following points –

  • Issues and challenges of Federal structure
  • Devolution of the powers
  • Devolution of finances at local levels
  • Challenges of the above subject

Recommended books and reading material – 

The best source of reading material and to get critical aspects of the topics are the following – 

  • Report of the 2nd Administrative Reforms Commissions. Also called as the organizational structure of Government of India (13th report)
  • Indian Polity – Book by Laxmikanth (Refer to the updated edition and chapters 12, 13, 14 and even chapter no 30) 

It is important to remember that the Mains Examination demands a basic understanding of the situation. Also, use your critical and analytical skills to answer the questions on the above-mentioned topics. So, to relate the concepts to current events, write small versions of these articles. Likewise, the ARC report will help you greatly in the long run. 

Question :

  1. Discuss the Constitutional limitations on the powers of the President of India. (2019)


Topic 3

Parliament and state legislature – 

  • Structure
  • Conduct of business
  • Functions of these institutions
  • Issues arising from the above subject
  • Power and Functions.

Recommended books and reading material – 

For the best GS paper 2 preparation strategy, focus on the topics like – 

  • Our Parliament. Book by Subhash Kashyap

We recommend you this single book itself. This is because Mr. Subhash Kashyp has been associated with Parliament. His long career growth is reflected in the book. This book presents a clear idea of the Parliament and its functions. 

Further, one needs to have detailed information about the Parliament and its aspects. Moreover, the book is highly affordable. The book is very interesting to read and has interesting insights into the Parliament and its various processes. 

Questions :

  1. Whether the Parliamentary democratic system of Government is in contrast with Gandhiji’s notion of

    ‘‘Parliamentary Swaraj System’’ of Government? Analyse. (2019)

  1. The Indian Parliament alone possesses legislative supremacy and thereby ultimate powers over all

     political bodies in India. In light of the above statement, bring out the composition and powers of the

     Indian Parliament. (2019)


Topic 4

One needs to focus on GS paper 2 preparation strategy for topics like – 

  • Structure of Indian Parliamentary machine
  • The functioning of the various machinery
  • Organization of executive and Judiciary
  • Functions of Ministries and Government departments
  • Role of pressure groups
  • Role of all above in Indian Polity

Basics to be covered – 

  • Union Executive
  • Supreme Court of India
  • Parliament of India
  • State executives and their functions
  • State legislation and their functions
  • Local government – Rural and Urban
  • Civil Services India
  • Pressure Groups
  • High Court
  • Subordinate Courts

Recommended books and reading material – 

  •  The book by “Laxmikanth” is sufficient for the same. 


This book covers topics like – 

  • Functions of Ministries and Government departments
  • Federalism in India
  • Amendments
  • Official Language
  • Political Parties

Such should be read in-depth by the Group I aspirant.

Topic 5:

  • Issue Areas in Indian Administration :
    • Corruption in India- Anti
    • Corruption Measures – CVC – Lok Adalats – Ombudsman – RTI Act
    • Minister – Secretary Relationship
    • Generalist Vs. Specialist controversy

Recommended books and reading material – 

  •  The book by “Laxmikanth” is sufficient for the same. 


Topic 6

One must focus on topics like – 

  • Constitutional posts and Non Constitutional posts
  • Composition
  • Powers & Functions
  • Quasi-Judicial bodies
  • Statutory compliance
  • Regulatory affairs
  • Powers and responsibilities of constitutional bodies 

Recommended books and reading material – 

  •  The book by Laxmikanth is sufficient for the same. 

For this focus on Part VII to IX for the best results. These chapters optimally cover the topics. 

  • Public Institutions in India -Performance and Design. Book by – PratapBhanu Mehta. Publisher – Oxford University Press

However, the syllabus has created rise to issues like – 

  • Political appointments
  • Political interference
  • Appointments to various government and non-government posts
  • Selection of EC, CBI, CAG, SC, and Lokpal

Important note – One needs to focus on the GS paper 2 preparation strategy from an analytical perspective. The above books cover the analytical aspects of the performance and adaptation of the major Indian institutions. These further analyze the governance Institutions and their role in democracy and polity.  

Topic 7

One needs to focus on GS paper 2 preparation strategy for topics like – 

  • Profile of States – Defence, National Security and Terrrorism – World Organisations
  • India’s Foreign Policy: Foreign Affairs with Special emphasis on India’s relations with neighbouring countries and in the region- Security and defence related issues
  • Nuclear Policy – Issues and conflict.
  • The Indian Diaspora and its contribution to India and to the World.


Recommended books and reading material –

Article on 2nd ARC site and report on the topic – 

  • Refurbishing of personnel administration (Read chapters from 10th report)

Recommended books and reading material –

Newspapers like The Hindu


Question :

  1. Explain India’s neighbourhood foreign policy in detail. (2019)


Major league books for GS paper 2 preparation strategy

  • Introduction to the Constitution of India 
  • Select Constitutions – S. Chand publications
  • Challenges and Strategy – Rethinking India’s Foreign Policy. Book by – Rajiv Sikri
  • Indian Polity for Indian Civil Services Examinations – Laxmikanth
  • Public Institutions in India – Performance and Design. Book by PratapBhanu Mehta. 
  • Classics on Indian Polity – Granville Austin
  • Indian Constitution – Cornerstone of a Nation – Review
  • Working a Democratic Constitution – A history of Indian Experience

UNIT-II: Role and Impact of Science and Technology in the Development of India

Topic – 1

In this topic for GS paper 2 preparation strategy, learn the following points –

  • Science and Technology
  • Development of sector
  • Application of the process
  • Effect of above on everyday life
  • Achievement in science and technology
  • Indian aspects of technology
  • Growth of science and technology in India ie DRDO, Ocean Research etc.
  • Contribution of India to science and technology
  • Awareness regarding Information and Technology sector, space, computer, robotics, nanoscience, biotechnology, etc

Recommended books and online resources – 

  • SCERT textbook from class VI to X. For getting conceptual clarity on the topic
  • Books by Spectrum publishers – Toppers prefer this book to read for the science subject
  • Developments in science and technology – this book is highly vast. Read this textbook selectively
  • The Hindu and Frontline
  • New scientist website
  • Wikipedia


  1. Describe the characteristics of Nanomedicine(2019)
  2. Describe the applications of science and technology in water management with respect to agricultural

       sector. (2019)

  1. Give a brief history of Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and also explain its

      role in our nation. (2019) 


Topic 2

  • Health and hygiene
  • Human diseases – Prevention and remedies- Communicable diseases and non-communicable diseases
  • Genetic Engineering –Organ transplantation
  • Stem cell Technology
  • Medical Tourism – Advancements in Horticulture & Agriculture.

Recommended Books

  • State Board School Books 11th& 12th Biology


  1. Why is Mosquito called the most dangerous species? Discuss briefly with reference to various

       diseases it causes. (2019)


Likewise, previous years’ examination papers are important. Thus, focus on the past year’s science and technology papers from the syllabus. Also, expect questions from burning topics like – Science, biotechnology, space, nanotechnology, computers, and robotics.  

Keep a note of the important aspects gathered from the best sources to gain better results.

Keep an idea of the Novartis issue of IPR rights. Also, focus on TRIPS and TRIMS, Desertification, Artificial Intelligence, etc…

For more details, specific reading of Indian achievements in the field of science and technology is important.


  1. Highlight the contributions made by Indian Nobel laureates in the field of Science and

      Technology (2019)

Also, focus on defense and scientific reading for the best results.


UNIT-III    : Tamil Society-Its Culture and Heritage

Candidates may answer the questions in this unit EITHER in Tamil OR in English


Topic 1

            Tamil Society : Origin and expansion.

Recommended Books :

  • School Books
  • Sanga ilakkiyam: ilakkiyavalamum vazhviyalaramum – Dr. R. Chandrasekaran

Question  :

  1. How far other disciplines help to understand the history of Tamil Society? (2019)

 Topic 2:

   Art and Culture : Literature, music, Film, Drama, Architecture, Sculpture, Paintings and Folk Arts,

 Recommended Books :

  • School Books 6th to 10th

 Question :

  1. What do you know about ‘‘Kudumiyan malai’’ inscription? (2019)
  2. Give an account on Kazhugumalai monolithic rock cut cave temple of the Pandyas. (2019)


Topic 3 :

            Socio- economic history of Tamil Nadu from Sangam age to till date.

Question :

  1. Bring out the Devadasi System in Tamil Society during the medieval period. (2019)

Topic 4 :

            Growth of Rationalist, Dravidian movements in Tamil Nadu – Their role in the socio – economic development of Tamil Nadu.

Question :

  1. Write about the Social reform movement which took place in the Travancore State. (2019)



Topic 5 :

Social and cultural life of contemporary Tamils : Caste, religion, Women, politics, Education , Economy, Trade and relationship with other countries.


Question :

  1. Evaluate the role of Tamil women freedom fighters during the Gandhian era. (2019)

Topic 6 :

Tamil and other Disciplines: Mass Media, Computer etc.

Recommended Books

Suggested reference books for Tamil Literature optional subject is listed below. It is advised that candidates stick to 1 or 2 books and not overburden themselves with too many books.

  1. Tamil ilakkiyavaralaru – Mu. Varadarasanar
  2. Tamil ilakkiyavaralaru – Thamizannal
  3. Tamil mozhiyumvaralarum – Devira
  4. Tamil thiranaaivumpanpaadum – Devira
  5. Sanga ilakkiyam: ilakkiyavalamum vazhviyalaramum – Dr. R. Chandrasekaran